Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6)
A very warm welcome to Key Stage 2. Key Stage 2 (KS2) is the final stages of a child’s time at primary school and includes Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (ages 7-11). The four year groups gradually take every child on a carefully planned, ‘irresistible’ learning journey to being ready for a smooth transition to secondary school.
The curriculum in KS2 is carefully crafted to continue the learning from KS1 and uses the children’s personal starting points to build on their knowledge, confidence and skills. Across the school, including KS2, this journey is in very close partnership with our parents.
While all pupils are challenged in lessons, the ideal of learning that cannot be resisted is evident in pupils’ laughter, spontaneous comments and ever-increasing curiosity. - BSO 2019/2020 report
The teachers creatively merge the National Curriculum for England and Wales with the UN Sustainable Goals, while being genuinely child-led in their approach. A philosophy of depth of learning and application of knowledge and skills through enabling, innovative environments and technology ensure the children at DESS organically acquire independence, a thirst for knowledge and exploration amidst a true love for learning.
Leadership roles for children expand in KS2 as the children take on more responsibility for various aspects of school life, from new initiatives to overseeing current practice.
A full and rich complement of subjects and interests are catered for extensively with our abundance of extra-curricular opportunities and many events where children represent the school for sport, performing arts, languages and academics. We are extremely successful in the wider Dubai education community when competing; this success, we believe, is in part due to our inclusive approach, which enables all children to succeed no matter what their interest, passion or ability.
Throughout KS2 and alongside the irresistible, jam-packed curriculum is what we believe to be the most fundamental aspect to education: our ethos of inclusion, tolerance, respect, care and simply: being kind. Our children’s ability to understand, question and care for the world is established right from FS1, but in KS2, children start to establish a sense of self and identify where they might fit in the world. At DESS they become engrossed in knowledge and experience-based discussion, debate, and activism; they start to see themselves as guardians of the planet and become ever more independently minded, positive global citizens.
On a final note, if the KS2 team could say one thing to prospective families, it would be that we pride ourselves on our DESS community being a happy one, where new children and parents instantly feel welcomed and a part of the family.
Important Information
Please find some important curriculum documents, handbooks and links for Key Stage 2 below.
Meet the Family

Matt Adams
Year 3 Blue Class Teacher

Caroline Wood
Year 3 Green Class Teacher

Jasmin Padda
Year 3 Green Class Teacher

Adeleina Williams
Year 3 Red Class Teacher

Julia Persechino
Year 3 Yellow Class Teacher

Ben Hantonne
Year 4 Blue Class Teacher

Chris Cherry
Year 4 Green Class Teacher

Aimee Wright
Year 4 Orange Class Teacher

Jo Masters
Year 4 Red Class Teacher

Fatema Fazal
Year 4 Yellow Class Teacher
Rob Frost
Year 5 Blue Class Teacher

Patrick Tolan
Year 5 Green Class Teacher

Jane Farrow
Year 5 Orange Class Teacher
Julia Grieve
Year 5 Red Class Teacher

Emma Laforest
Year 5 Yellow Class Teacher

Anthony Hall
Year 6 Blue Class Teacher

Sarah Doran
Year 6 Green Class Teacher

Adam Coutts
Year 6 Orange Class Teacher
Felicity McSheaffrey
Year 6 Red Class Teacher

Juliette Browning
Year 6 Yellow Class Teacher