What is GCSE maths?
In September 2015 a new GCSE Mathematics qualification was introduced in schools. The new qualification is more demanding than previous GCSE qualifications and the total time for the examinations has increased from 3 ½ to 4 ½ hours. This qualification is entirely assessed by written examination.
The content covered at GCSE is split into topic areas
- Number
- Algebra
- Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change
- Geometry and Measures
- Probability
- Statistics
A link to the GCSE Mathematics Specification can be found here.
Assessment Overview
There are three written papers, each contributing 33.3% of the marks towards the final grade. There are two calculator papers and one non-calculator paper.

Calculator and Equipment
Students are required to have a compass, protractor, ruler, pen and we recommend a HB pencil and rubber.
Students must purchase the Casio fx-991EX classwiz. This calculator has been designed by Casio with Edexcel, our examination board. It is suitable for GCSE and A Level Mathematics.

Formula Booklets
Unlike in previous versions of the GCSE specification, there is no longer a formula booklet for GCSE Mathematics examinations. The list below details the formulae that students do not need to memorise. These formulae are provided within the examination, as part of the relevant examination question.

This is not a very large list so there are some formulae that students must be able to memorise and recall. A poster with all of these formulae can be found here.
Foundation Unit Overview Booklet
Higher Unit Sheets Overview Booklet